Tuesday, October 19, 2021

October 19, 2021

We never thought we would see times like this again after 1944. It never ceases to amaze me how many seemingly well-educated people, who in other circumstances would abhor the conduct of Hitler's National Socialist German Workers' Party, are either unable or unwilling to comprehend the hideous similarities with the conduct of the leaders of our own nation. 

To create the landscape under which such a regime can rise to grab ultimate and demanding power, the Party and it's partner organisations utilise pseudoscientific theories to instill a mass hysteria among the population which grips the people until they not only submit to relinquishing their own rights for the greater good, they are also prepared to strip away every semblance of their own humanity to take their neighbours rights away as well - by force if necessary.

 The collective subordination of individual rights, sacrificed for the good of the state on behalf of the people, was one of the primary aims of the Nazi Party until their full dissolution in 1945. In establishing it's goal Herr Hitler used what initially was his personal bodyguard, later to become the Party's agency of security, surveillance, and terror within Germany and German-occupied Europe - the infamous Schutzstaffel ('ᛋᛋ'). In New Zealand, our government is using a three-fold hammer akin to the Schutzstaffel - the media, the medical/scientific fraternity, and Police forces.

Conspiracy theorists have said it for years. George Orwell was a prophet. 1984 is happening now, in our lifetime. Perhaps it wasn't so much 'conspiracy' after all.

Chris Rake, an anesthesiologist at UCLA Health in California, discusses what is happening now around the world using the analogy of a pregnant woman to describe the extent of the overreach into our most basic human rights. 

"If a mother of three living in poverty went to her doctor pregnant, and her doctor decided that having a fourth child would place too heavy a burden on society would it be acceptable for her doctor to make the decision, using state-sanctioned guidelines, to abort that child and punitively sterilise her?" 

Of course it wouldn't be OK, and there would be an outcry from everyone if medical and humanitarian ethics were to be ignored in such a case. But the case for coerced and mandatory vaccination is somehow seen differently.

It shocks me to see the number of now-dubbed Covid Karens baying for the imprisonment of 'rule-breakers'. Elderly people being isolated from families. An old man forced to stand on the roadside, unable to be at the gravesdie of his wife as she was laid to rest. Nurses have been caught out openly saying they would refuse to treat the unvaccinated and hoping they will die in hospital corridors or be left to die in abandoned warehouses away from vaccinated patients. 'Family-friendly' employers are sacking their long-standing and loyal staff without a second thought.

It both shocks me and saddens me. The general public have been united by a propaganda so well-played that they are prepared to let people be treated this way. Some of them would literally sacrifice the lives of dissidents. What's next New Zealand - eliminating the unvaccinated in ablution blocks?

I'm shocked because I never thought I would see the day when New Zealand would fall into the trap of disenfranchising and segregating people based on a fear that has never materialised into personal fact. In a nation barely touched by the drama being played out overseas. Using fear tactics so obviously and inherently unprovable using long-established scientific principles.

It's a huge step to go from being frightened of the potential of a virus, which if we're being honest is treatable with cheap and readily available drugs that the Ardern regime refuses to allow doctors to give you when and if you get sick, to being prepared to throw basic human rights out the window and wishing imprisonment and death on our fellow countrymen. We've become a truly ugly people.

I'm saddened because I know that with time this too will pass. The grandparents deprived of seeing their grandchildren until they get vaccinated will lose enjoyable years. The relationships and bonds will slowly deteriorate over the estimated 2-4 years that this madness will reign. These things will never be forgotten, and all that will remain will be a confused young person who will grow up never really understanding why their grandparents don't seem to be closer to the family.

I'm saddened at the number of people who will slowly come to their senses and realise what they've done and who they've alienated, some of them may wonder if they contributed to that one's suicide or this one's bankruptcy and eventual homelessness. Christmas get-togethers and Sunday BBQ lunches with all the extended family and whanau will never be the same. As the saying goes in family breakdowns - "The Pavlovas are over!" I wish we could go back to 2019 and start again.

I'm also very angry. Angry at Jacinda Ardern and Ashley Bloomfield for lying to the New Zealand people about the dangers of this influenza and the safety and efficacy of the vaccine they promote on behalf of a greedy elite and Big Pharma. I'm angry at the duplicity, the smear campaigns and the blatant scapegoating tactics of the media. The systemic bullying and coercion, blatant discrimination, and the degradation of people who just want to be left alone to go to work, and go about their lives in peace.  

I'm angry that not enough people are getting their act together and publishing competitive media (I'm not talking about memes on Facebook!), and I'm angry that doctors, scientists, humanitarian organisations and opposition politicians are keeping quiet. They should be shouting from the rooftops over this. Are you blind, or are you cowards? I can assure you of this, you will never be forgotten.

New Zealand's own homegrown Nazi-like regime and it's appointed Schutzstaffel will one day be addressed on their conduct and the pain and damage wrought upon the nation because of it, and I eagerly await their excuses. I'm guessing it'll be along the lines of "I was just doing my job". That excuse was not accepted during the Nuremburg Trials, and it won't fly here either. I promise you that. Those Ministers who were just following policy were tried in October 1946, and executed by hanging.

The Nuremburg Trials found guilty a number of contributors to the Nazi regime indicted on charges including crimes against humanity. Crimes against humanity are acts that are purposefully committed as part of a widespread or systematic policy, directed against civilians, in times of war or peace. The Nuremburg prosecutions for these crimes became the foundation of a global standard of human rights eventually articulated in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights in 1948. Dehumanisation, unethical human experimentation, extrajudicial punishment, political repression, and other human rights abuses reach the threshold of crimes against humanity if they are part of a widespread or systematic practice. Undoubtedly, this era in New Zealand qualifies.

New Zealand declared war on Nazi Germany on  September 1939. Our grandfathers risked their lives for freedom from tyranny. Even those that returned from the war had paid a terrible price in battle. They were physically and mentally destroyed by it. My grandfather paid for it.

I'll be damned if I will let it be in vain.


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