Friday, October 29, 2021

October 29, 2021

It's almost like there are people out there with their heads buried so deep in the sand they are utterly incapable of even discussing any narrative that opposes the Labour government's Daily Dose of Drivel. 

In the interests of providing an opportunity for some of them to understand why pro-choice is currently being so vigorously defended by so many on both sides, I've collated a short-list of objections to being vaccinated. Language of course, is everything. Don't just hear the words pro-choice proponents are using - try and look beneath the words to understand their meaning.

The pro-vaccine and pro-choice groups seem polarised in the extreme. In fact, there are both vaccinated and unvaccinated people in both groups, and there is some crossover between the two groups' points of view.

Now, don't get me wrong - if you've been vaccinated, I'm not intending to tell you herein that you're going to die from it. But I am going to point out that you might have been somewhat conned by the narrative of mass hysteria that has enveloped the world and held it mesmerised and enslaved with fear.

In New Zealand, at least so far, the only vaccine that has been approved for use is the Pfizer/BioNTech, so where I use the word "vaccine" below, I'm most likely referring to that particular little shot of sunshine.

Here goes with some of what you're hearing out there:

"You're a lab rat!"
What this really intends to portray is two-fold: firstly that the vaccine being promoted has not long completed it's third trial phase and data is still being collected about it's longer-term safety and efficacy (and will be for at least the next few years), and secondly that knowing this makes it easier to understand why some studies are referring to vaccinated populations as "research subjects". It's not intended that the people preparing these studies are somehow insulting vaccine recipients - it's just the phrase they use to describe the factual position you are in as a person from whom, in whatever small way, data on safety and efficacy is still being collected and collated. 

By the way, when you hear the Podium Prats telling you about 'efficacy', it pays to understand what that means. Efficacy is defined as “the extent to which an intervention does more good than harm under ideal circumstances”. You might then want to consider what 'ideal circumstances' looks like to the Prats.

"Covid-19 vaccines are killing people!"
Well, yes. Technically, yes they are killing some people. In truth, every shot you take is a roll of the dice, given that we know so little about the long-term safety of the vaccine. Depending on which recipe you are being vaccinated with the odds differ, but the one thing they all have in common is that some people are having some pretty awful adverse effects from it. 

Enough people are dying in fact, that it is probably time to grasp that there may be an increased risk of death in comparison to other vaccines that over years of testing and use are deemed acceptably 'safe'. One analysis of the data (albeit from an organisation soundly opposed to vaccination) has calculated that the fatality rate assumed due to the Covid-19 vaccine for 18-44 year olds is identical to the mortality rate due to the Covid-19 disease for the Pfizer vaccine. In other words, they have theorised, you may have as much chance of dying from the vaccine as you do from Covid. Bugger!

One of the other concerns about the adverse effects of the Covid-19 vaccines is the type and frequency of adverse effects being reported. Reports include heart damage (myocarditis etc), neurological disorders (the shakers), blood system disorders (the bleeders and the clotters), reproductive system concerns (menstrual issues), spontaneous abortions in pregnant women, and the reactivation of childhood illnesses that the recipient has previously had (herpes zoster) to name a few. These are effects that should not be showing up so frequently, so when they do its understandable that they have the medical fraternity somewhat concerned and wanting to investigate further.

While the numbers being bandied about for deaths and serious vaccine-related injuries certainly sound horrific, they must be kept in perspective. Yes, the Pfizer vaccine may well have killed more people that all the other vaccines in the last 28 years (or whatever that claim is) but it is also true that it's been administered to hundreds of times more people than all the other vaccines. Now is the time for common sense and basic mathematics, not panic.

PSA: Misinformation is dangerous no matter which side it's coming from!
At this point it is highly prudent to note that you will not get accurate information, using appropriate and accepted scientific methodology or known and accepted medical information, by watching YouTube videos or following anti-vaccination influencers on social media. You have a responsibility to yourself and everyone you are trying to convince with your arguments to do more than that. Follow the trails back to the data they are referring to, and study that data to make sure that they are not misrepresenting it. 'Dr' Vernon Coleman the retired GP who specialised in prescribing tissues and panadol for common colds comes to mind!

Having said that, there are some doctors and scientists out there who do know what they are talking about, because their careers have revolved around these very issues. 

Above all, don't just repost whatever meme pops up in your social media feed without checking it out to be sure you're not falling into the "woozle effect" trap. Not everything you see on social media is the truth - even if it comes from your favourite influencer!

"Vaccination doesn't stop you getting Covid-19"
This has been well established. Actually, the vaccine wasn't ever intended to prevent you from being infected with Covid-19. If you took your vaccine hoping that you were going to be safe from ever being infected, you've misunderstood the purpose of vaccination altogether.

"Vaccination doesn't stop you spreading Covid-19"
This is also well established. Remember when they were telling us to wash our hands and wipe every surface? That was because you can literally carry this thing around with you all day, passing it from place to place as you go - on your hands, your hair, your clothes. It gets into your eyes, your mouth, and your nostrils and every sneeze from dust becomes a potential spread moment. 

In addition to that, if you do get infected with Covid-19, and you've been vaccinated, the vaccine was designed to minimise the impact on your body. Because of that it also minimises your symptoms. How many times have you heard from the Podium of Truth that "most people won't even know they've got it". That's true. Unfortunately, it also means they'll be going to work during the infectious phase, going shopping, going to restaurants - all whilst happily spreading Covid-19 in the community. 

That's why the pro-choice and freedom folk are so worked up over thousands of people losing their jobs - because at the end of the day, it's not the unvaccinated who will be spreading this thing around!
"Vaccination doesn't stop you getting seriously ill with Covid-19"
Also true. You only have to start looking at the fact that hospitals are filling up now, as more and more people are getting vaccinated, with vaccinated people. But let's go back to mathematics. The higher the ratio of the population that has been vaccinated, the more likely the ratio of hospitalised people is going to also be higher. Seems kind of logical when you put it like that, right?

It's also wise to remember that the most vulnerable people in our communities are more likely to be among the fully vaccinated. We know, and have done for quite some time, that vaccination won't prevent everyone from getting sick. When they do get sick, the ones who started out as the most vulnerable are likely to be the ones who will eventually need the most targeted care. Those same very vulnerable who were among the first to be vaccinated, will likely make up the highest rate of hospital admissions. All fully vaccinated.

The higher your risk before you were vaccinated, the less likely you should be coming out from behind the safety of hand hygiene and limiting your likelihood of exposure. But don't think that only mingling with vaccinated people and avoiding contact with the unvaccinated will protect you - that brand of blissful ignorance and complacency would potentially be the greatest risk to your health. 

If there are to be vaccine passports for summer festivals, they should include time limits for last vaccinations too - because efficiency of those darn things wanes significantly over time!
"Vaccination doesn't stop you dying from Covid-19"
Unfortunately, this too is correct, if somewhat misunderstood. As above, vulnerability of individuals is that predominant factor once the subject has tested positive for Covid-19, whether vaccinated or not. It's a shame our government has focused on vaccinating rather than early treatment. 

It appears that to date Jacinda Ardern's health response views early treatment as unimportant, and she's only ordered 60,000 doses of treatment drugs. Almost sounds to me like they've had some 'modelling' on the numbers that are likely to be infected when Delta does a whip-around. Personally, I think she's going to get caught out, but that's a story for another day.

"Vaccination shouldn't be forced on <18 year-olds" / "They're killing our kids"
Absolutely, there should be no vaccination for anyone under 18 at this stage. The reason for this is that there is no mid-term testing for the effects on children and young people. They seriously are lab rats. 

One of the other unfortunate aspects of the Labour government's approach to managing Covid-19 and responding to it is that they have had a tendency to just belatedly copy/paste whatever some other country is doing/has done. If it feels like NZ is always behind other countries with our Public Health Response - it's because we literally are. And that doesn't bode well for our kids. 

PSA: Fact-check EVERYTHING! Don't forget - until you have verified the integrity of what you are reading on the internet, treat everything you read as though it were a boiled egg. Take it with a pinch of salt.

"We aren't being told the whole truth and can't give informed consent" / "Nuremberg 2.0"
Ah, now this is an interesting one. Lots of discussion comparing Jacinda Ardern to Adolph Hitler, lots of discussion about 'crimes against humanity' and the Nuremberg trials. One of the most fascinating aspects of Israel's response in mandating vaccines for the public is that the recipient population wasn't told that it was still experimental (in trial) when they were first 'mandated' to have it. Which is somewhat startling, given their history. 

There has been a very good paper written up that focused on the issue of informed consent, and the extent to which 'informed' means telling the recipient all the bad stuff at the outset rather than just listing the minor common effects and focusing on those.

Just because death and permanent physical impairment isn't as common as fainting, that is no excuse to not expressly make the recipient aware that it could happen.
You can read elsewhere for my comments on the comparison of Jacinda Ardern to Adolph Hitler, and this Quadrant article is an excellent comparison of the conduct that led to what we now refer to as the 'Holocaust', which is the informed consent argument and the Nuremberg 2.0 discussion.

PSA: Herr Ardern's new image. No one is likening coerced vaccinees to the millions of Jews who died during the Holocaust. Rather, they are likening the Ministers of Germany to the governments currently in control of their nation's Covid-19 Public Health Response. As I understand it, there weren't any Jewish victims executed after the Nuremberg Trials, but quite a few Ministers paid a suitable price for the crimes they committed! The NZ Labour Party and it's membership may want to make themselves aware of the consequences of such conduct.  

"It's a plot to take control over populations" / "Muh freedoms!"
This derives much of it's traction from the complete lack of any applied logic to the government's responses, and in some respects from the readily apparent inability to actually make decisions about how best to respond.

Rather than look at the problem presented by Covid-19 holistically and develop an actual plan to respond appropriately and in a timely manner to the threat now rapidly spreading around New Zealand, Ardern's government is giving us silly 'traffic light' systems that make no sense in tackling the issues of the moment. We've been given a nonsensical MIQ system, that has not only failed but failed magnificently to adapt with the changing landscape. 

Instead of giving us certainty, Minister Hipkins is now being ridiculed as the 'Minister of Uncertainty'. 

It is obvious even to the politically deaf and blind that no one in Ardern's government is actually answering questions about What, When, Who, Where, and How - instead just giving us a dithering "its about dealing with a deadly and highly transmissible pandemic". We know what we're dealing with, for goodness sake - answer the damn questions! But they won't. Because they can't.

Labour have been caught with their pants down around their knees when they should have been shoving the shag to the Cov!

Rather than apply logic and reason to the Covid-19 situation, Ardern fell back on the only thing she knows - copy/paste someone else's socialist plan. 

Unfortunately for Ardern, New Zealanders aren't entirely without sufficient intelligence to see that those plans are about control. We see the similarities with Hitler's unfolding of the wings until the eventual and inevitable conclusion. 

We see the freedoms that should have been the core policy to the Covid-19 response instead being thrown on the bonfire in sacrifice to her egotistical and attention-seeking 'Mother of Dragons' agenda.

And so Jacinda, once adored by so many, has lost in a matter of days the popularity she once held. Lifelong Labour voters have thrown in the towel and are hitching themselves to other wagons. No one will forget this point in time. None will forgive the loss of jobs they had held for decades, or the loss of 12,000 small business and tens of thousands of jobs. Some recognise that the most common way to gain socialist control of a country is to first completely undermine it economically and make its people dependant on the State for survival. Which is seemingly the only inevitable end result for Labour's actions throughout this terrible ordeal.

And all of that lends itself to a resounding crescendo of "Liberty or Death!" - a battle cry stolen from the Americans, but nevertheless a very effective means to raise a willing army during these dark times in which we live. 

Instead of finding more ways to finger-point and scapegoat pro-choice advocates, journalists would do better to properly familiarise themselves with the reasons behind the stand that thousands of New Zealanders have taken. We're not all Pentecostals - some of us have just shown ourselves to be critical thinkers, not followers of fashion!

The hashtag #ResignJacinda has never done so well, so frequently, at the hand of so many. 


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Check out the twitter hashtag #ResignJacinda and the Resign Jacinda Petition.