Download For Whom The Bell Tolls, by Ernest Hemmingway

 For Whom the Bell Tolls
John Donne

No man is an island,
Entire of itself.
Each is a piece of the continent,
A part of the main.
If a clod be washed away by the sea,
Europe is the less.
As well as if a promontory were.
As well as if a manor of thine own
Or of thine friend's were.
Each man's death diminishes me,
For I am involved in mankind.
Therefore, send not to know
For whom the bell tolls,
It tolls for thee.

Fading fast from living memory are the stories of the people who have fought valiantly for freedom from tyranny in all it's forms. Those battles that still are fought around the world today are oftentimes ignored by Western 'civilisation' which tends to equate the comfort of it's own existence with freedom from bondage and slavery to evil. 

As in the often quoted (yet rarely truly understood) analogy of the frog in a pot being slowly brought to boil, every small revocation of human rights becomes yet another brick in a wall that will eventually engulf a democratic society completely until one day the citizen will wake to find that he has become a prisoner in his own country - even though he feels free. What once felt like an embrace will eventually become a stranglehold around his neck.

In the creation of Two Classes on the basis of vaccination status, New Zealand's sixth Labour Government under Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern has dealt a harsh blow to hundreds of thousands of us - causing us to be shunned from our jobs, our families, and even from society itself as we are curfewed into retreat and unable to take part in many aspects of community life we once took for granted. Never before has a Government of this nation so brutalised it's people so needlessly, so relentlessly and with such relish.

I encourage you to use the space in the comments below to share your story to the world as your legacy of courage, of your determination to brave the odds, and of your fight to retain the basic entitlements granted to you by the now defunct International Charter of Human Rights, despite the terrible toll it has taken on you. 

Let this be the record of what we faced, what we lost, and what we won.

We know what happened. Vaccinations were forced upon a captive population. What no one is talking about is what impact it had on you, and how it made you feel.
Here are a few tips to help you with a submission: Close your eyes for a few moments. Think about the way you have felt about vaccination. That you chose not to be vaccinated is already evident, and no one needs to know why you chose as you did.

  • How were you treated for the decision you made?
  • What happened to you?
  • What broke your heart? What inspires you?
  • Were you eventually forced to give in and get vaccinated?
  • What broke your resolve? Job? Family? Travel needs?
  • It's time to tell the world how it made you feel.


Please note that all submissions in these comments are moderated. You may make your submission anonymously, but I encourage you to provide at least your first name and location. No personal information will be collected from this record. All stories provided are however deemed to be in the public domain and may be stored electronically and reproduced.


  1. My wonderful husband lost his job in the school system because of government mandates. He stands by his beliefs. We have taught our children to be strong and not be bullied. We are proud of him and stand beside him.

  2. I am mum to 3 amazing sons. One son has been excluded from finishing his degree with 4 papers to go due to compulsory vaccination at uni. He is a free thinker and has done a lot of research and has chosen to not take the vax. The second has checked out of the school system that simply has not worked for him. He now has limited hope for work with vaccine mandates. The youngest is still at school but is being publicly singled out as unvaccinated. He has had a journey to take from the fear of covid portrayed by msm to more understanding of the reality. He still faces his peers daily as being different and that is a real challenge for him. I will not send him back next year. I have tried to be strong to support my boys but my heart still breaks for them. This is all so wrong and I worry for the children of the world.

  3. I have been a teacher for 11 years. During this time in my classrooms, there’s a huge emphasis on freedom with responsibility. I encouraged independence in the children, getting them to think for themselves, be curious and problem solve. It’s harder to teach that way than the traditional way, but that’s the way I like it. I never spoon fed them, I helped them have confidence in their thoughts, not ask for help all the time, stand strong in their convictions and not give in to peer pressure but to learn from their (and other’s) mistakes. For me to then adhere to this mandate just went against everything I believed in. First of all, things just didn’t add up - my curious mind got the better of me. There was no logic to the narrative. How can you teach kids to question if you can’t question yourself? How can you teach integrity if you have none yourself? This was probably the biggest lesson I could give the children. But for standing up for what I believed in, the school stood me down.

  4. I’ve spent 6 years working in NZ and travelling around Aus working as a registered nurse. This work involves me having many vaccines that I have been up to date with such as flu, MMR, hep B, whooping cough.
    I love being a nurse and caring for people. I’m in unbelief that I’m unable to do this in any capacity and every other suggestion has been a no. Vaccine or no work.
    I have worked with covid patients.
    I have looked after multiple Pfizer injury patients as stated on their reason for hospital admission.
    I am no longer working.
    I have not had any formal meetings.
    I received a HR email that was titled to my employee number, not my name with no details/signature on who the email was from. This email identified me as unvaccinated and the termination process.

    The process has been dehumanising and does not hold up any of the CARE values the workplace prides itself in.

    The DHB I worked for has been having mass resignations by vaccinated staff on a already chronic understaffed hospital, with many RNs set to return in the next 12 months I am hopeful that unvaccinated staff working will one day be more important than the mandate with options such as rapid testing and PPE to protect everyone.

    Jane, Tauranga

  5. When the first lockdown happened last year, we were ok with it. It seemed like a pretty good plan at the time to stop Covid spreading. We didn't realise that we were only delaying it and we wouldn't be able to stop it forever. Eventually trying to stop Covid became gradually worse than anything we'd ever had to go through before in NZ and it seemed like there was more of a political pandemic than a viral one. There was conflicting information everywhere.

    By the time we got to where we were under pressure to be vaccinated, we'd decided we didn't want to do it. We kept hearing about the science, but only one side of it. When they started silencing the doctors and scientists speaking out against it, we started getting really concerned. When they came for us all by punishing people who didn't get the vaccine, we realised that all our fears were justified. We've stood firm all this time, and we'll carry on standing firm.

    Some days I've felt like my world was shrinking inwards, and the walls just kept getting closer and closer. It felt like I was standing against a tornado that was going to knock me down and bowl right over the top of me. Friends and family decided we weren't safe to be around, so we were isolated and alone. I still worried about getting sick but more worried about who would help me if it happened.

    My job hasn't been affected yet, but I can see the writing on the wall. I won't be able to go to work much longer. They'll lock me out. Nothing I say matters, they are so caught up in their own misinformation. I keep wanting to scream at them to read the science, but I know they won't listen. Everything is futile, there's just no point any more. I give up.

    Carol, Tauranga

  6. I decided not to get vaccinated straight away. I didn't really trust the vaccine so I thought I would hold out as long as possible to see what hapened when everyone else took it. The longer I waited the more information came out about the bad effects of it and that it wouldn't stop me from getting the virus or getting sick anyway. I decided then that I would not get the vaccine at all. Because of my choice not to get the vaccine I lost my job. I was renting a house because I had a good job, so I had to let my landlord know I wouldn't be able to pay rent anymore. So I put my things into storage with some friends who had their own homes and used my final payout to sell my car and buy a van. Now I live in a van. I drive from place to place every night because I'm alone and female and I don't want to set a pattern of where I'll be. My family have said that they won't take me in becuase I might bring Covid with me. I've tried to tell them it doesn't work like that but they think that if I don't have the vaccine I'm carrying the virus. Most of my old friends have turned their backs on me too. They didn’t understand why I was refusing to be vaxxed. One of my truly good friends has let me use her address as a base camp so that I can get a benefit but she has no room for me to stay there. I try to be as independent as I can and Ive spent my first week checking out the area and what I can get from where. I wash in the sea in the mornings and use public toilets and a laundromat to keep myself clean. I bought a small camping stove for cooking but I'm still pretty limited in the kind of food I can cook on it. Most nights I cry wondering how my beautiful country got to be this way. I'm sure there are others who have it worse than me but I still get hits of grief every day. I had a great job and a really good life with lots of friends. I was always the life of the party and the first person to find a reason to gather the team and celebrate lifes treasured moments for everyone. Its all gone because I wanted the right to say no. So how do I feel? I don't know some days. Other days I know I'm depressed. I know its something I need to snap out of but I don’t know how. I was going to go to my doctor and tell him what was going on with me but he’ll just tell me to get vaccinated. I can’t be bothered talking to people like that anymore and besides I can’t afford it. I’ve already lost everyting so its too late now anyway. I felt like killing myself when it first hit me that I was really going to lose my job and I realised what that would mean but I think I'm past that now. Now I'm just so angry all the time and I want to lash out an hurt someone else. I don’t have anything to do. No one wants to employ me because they’ve been told they shouldn’t hire anyone who isn’t vaccinated. I’m going to travel to see if I can find some seasonal work as soon as I can afford to. I’m still trying to work out how I’m going to pay the regular bills I had when I was working. I can’t afford them now I’ve lost my job. I can’t find enough to do during the day to occupy my mind and the boredom is making me feel worse. I have no one to talk to which feels so different to how my life was before. So mostly now I just lie in the back of my van and wait to die every day because theres nothing else to do. Ive never felt so alone or so angry or so depressed. None of this makes sense to me and I still can’t work out how this happened in New Zealand. I hate this place.

  7. My son killed himself. I will never forgive what they did to us all.


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