Monday, October 4, 2021

October 04, 2021

There are three groups which hold the stranglehold on freedoms in New Zealand and which are the greatest danger to the liberties of all reasonable and conservative-thinking New Zealanders. They are Government, the Media, and Cancel Culture (civilian/social lobbyists). While they certainly maintain a strong hold over New Zealand society, that is only because New Zealand has chosen not to proactively stand firm against it. The reason these groups have managed to create that hold over the nation is because they began slowly, building up without resistance, until eventually they simply overcame us by default in a steady campaign of attrition. They developed a strategy that in part resembled a Fabian strategy - that is, they simply stood their ground while we raged in futility around them, and advanced step by step only when we fell back in exhaustion.

We are a small nation, with sufficient capability to make a stand against the creep of socialism in the same way that New Zealand is the first to see the rising sun and was the first to give women the vote. We could be leaders in the Freedom Movement globally if only we could organise!

I believe that the time has come to do just that - organise. I would propose the establishment of a group of people, holding the necessary skill and passion to bring back the days when New Zealanders were allowed to freely decide who they wanted to listen to, when, and about what. We once had the freedom to travel not just internationally but also domestically, and to decide for ourselves what medical treatments we would submit to, but very soon that too may well be taken from us.

The time has come to initiate The Freedom Project with of all the enthusiasm, grit, and dedication of the US Underground Railroad of the late 18th century.

Here is what I envisage for The Freedom Project:

Freedom-based Media
A full and complete media alternative to rival the likes of NZ Herald, Stuff, and Newshub. This can be accomplished  with an installation of Superdesk, which can either be deployed as open source software on its own or as an add-on to Wordpress. I would be inclined to think it better to begin as it is meant to go on, with a stand-alone open source version which can be utilised from hosting on a non-dependant server (not required to be hosted by a hosting company).

Such a deployment would enable authors and journalists from all over New Zealand to submit news articles and opinion works from around the country for proofing and editing (or rejection) to editors and moderators who form a team under the media company's banner. Deploying an independent media company site also provides a credible and professional platform for a wide range of voices to be heard, including political opinion, giving New Zealanders the ability to choose what they want to hear and see in the spirit of our freedom to seek, receive, and impart information and opinions of any kind.

Freedom-based Business Directory
Alongside a new media alternative, I believe that the time has come for New Zealanders to publicly promote the people and businesses they prefer to deal with. We need to be financially supporting like-minded business in favour of providing profits to the enemies of freedom. I can see a real need for one joint project business directory which falls in line with the thinking of the people it serves.

Under a plethora of categories and regions, cities and towns, such a directory would (and could) rival a structure like Yellow Pages. New Zealanders would be able to decide where to spend their money and give their support, based on a businesses social attitude. Currently there are a number of Facebook pages and groups, Gab groups, and Telegram groups - but none who have organised their content in ways which make the search for freedom-based services collectively available, simple and logical for the consumer.

Freedom-based Banking Services
The eventual establishment of a Credit Union incorporated under the Friendly Societies and Credit Unions Act 1982. This would enable the members of such an organisation to be free from the threat of political 'cancel culture' when they exist in opposition to current popular liberal opinion to provide information online. Lee Williams would likely have benefitted from such a structure when his bank account was ‘cancelled’ by Westpac because he set up a GoFundMe account to raise funds to relocate himself back to the UK. As soon as Westpac were inundated with cancel culture letters from the supporters of MPs Rawiri Winiata and Debbie Ngarewa-Packer, they opted to undermine Lee by shutting down access to financial services. It should never be acceptable that financial and banking services should be refused by sheer force of political sway.

Freedom-based Politics
The last few elections have shown us nothing if not that the ever-growing group of minor parties is splitting the freedom-based and conservative vote base sufficiently that it is working not for the people who vote for it, but instead for the very people they seek to remove from power. In 2014, Brendan Horan founded the NZ Independent Coalition as a political party in New Zealand. While his intention was good, his thinking was flawed. New Zealand does not need yet another 'party' to compete with the two major political parties National and Labour (and now potentially Act as well). What New Zealand needs is a completely different strategy.

This country needs a coalition of like-minded groups to come together to present independent political candidates in every electorate, including the Maori electorates. Every candidate who wins an electorate gets a seat in Parliament. That is the MMP system. They are called electorate MPs. What New Zealand needs therefore is a good range of candidates, all standing under and committed to the promise of one jointly agreed set of concrete policies, and a strong balance of voters who will vote strategically for their electorate's candidate regardless of whether that person is their first choice in terms of political group or party. In other words, once an independent has agreed to the key core policies, they are accepted into the coalition - with just one candidate standing in each electorate. That independent candidate therefore has the greatest chance of collecting all of the available votes in that electorate, and potentially could procure enough to be elected as the electorate MP - while not necessarily being affiliated to any one 'party'. Their interest groups could and should remain, promoting the candidates best suited to their beliefs regardless of which electorate they stand in. Once elected, those candidates revert to the key core policies in terms of representation in parliament. In all other matters they can revert to votes that suit their conscience or beliefs best.

By developing at least these four key elements, The Freedom Project could have a very real effect on the way we in New Zealand are represented and protected, and how we move forward as a society together. We become more unified, more able to circle and protect our own, and more able to promote the conservative idea and way of life.

In order to bring this to fruition, The Freedom Project needs to be birthed now, not later. There is no time to waste. We need a wide range of skills to make it happen, and a dedicated team to push it through into launch. A number of the roles needed are:

  • IT technicians to set up a central server to operate The Freedom Project
  • Web developers to build the platforms from readily available open source software
  • Citizen journalists to write news and opinion pieces, and various lifestyle writers to promote interesting content in media
  • Interest group affiliates to promote The Freedom Project
  • Influencers and speakers to meet with key people across New Zealand
  • Business people with skill in Trusts, Charities, and Company management
  • Political influencers to bring together the major players in all of the minor parties under one umbrella
... and so many more!

While it seems a daunting task, it is one that can be broken up into bite-sized pieces for easy consumption. First and foremost is the establishment of a steering committee to drive the project.

I do not know if this will gather sufficient support to be promoted as a do-able project for New Zealand, and so I would really appreciate your thoughts or feedback, and any expression of interest you may have. I am open to criticism, comment, or further concept in the quest to have today's prevailing culture release us from the chains of the ‘ism’s that crush us all.

What say you, New Zealand?


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Check out the twitter hashtag #ResignJacinda and the Resign Jacinda Petition.