Friday, December 3, 2021

December 03, 2021

There comes a time when even the willfully blind have no choice but to let the truth in through tightly closed eyelids. When even those who refuse to hear the truth cannot help but become aware that the myths they are being fed are just that - myths. There comes a time when truth will no longer be hidden. 

If you ever needed to see proof of the complete disconnect between reality and the deliberately cultured cognitive impairment dished up by the current Labour government, you need look no further than at Grant Robertson, our Deputy PM.


"Some people have tried to portray us as a divided nation on vaccination. The numbers simply do not bear that out. Getting 90% plus New Zealanders to agree on anything is a highly unusual achievement. We have come together once again to do this mahi, and we should be very proud of the progress that we have made."
~ Grant Robertson, Deputy Prime Minister - 3.12.2021

What Robertson neglects to add is that the majority of the vaccinated population were either scared into accepting the drug by what can only be described as a coordinated litany of misinformation, and that vaccinations only reached their peak after mandates were introduced requiring all government workers, education workers, health care workers, fire and police workers, and corrections workers - including all the peripheral workers who supplied or visited those places of business - to be vaccinated or lose their jobs.

New Zealanders were terrified, coerced with deliberate untruths, or threatened into putting their health at risk by taking an experimental drug that most if given the free choice would not have taken.

It is not merely disingenuous of Grant Robertson to say that these hundreds of thousands of people "agreed" to take the vaccine. It is not just misleading. It is downright duplicitous.

Thank God that the more they heap undeserved praises on themselves - calling themselves "world-leading", "the best in the world", and "world class" - the sooner the believers will realise they have been conned. 

I see more and more eyes being opened every day! 



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