Monday, November 29, 2021

November 29, 2021

"Something is wrong. The promises that the health authorities have made over the last 12 months about the vaccines are not coming true. Despite near-complete levels of adult vaccination in Europe, many countries are seeing skyrocketing Covid cases and deaths. And worst of all, all-cause non-Covid mortality is running well above normal in country after country." ~
Alex Berrenson, 'Vaccinated English adults under 60 are dying at twice the rate of unvaccinated people the same age', Unreported Truths

Alex Berenson analyses the English data for under 60's, vaccinated vs unvaccinated. The results are terrifying! What he discovered is explained in another of his articles, where he delves into the data in great detail and reaches the conclusion that "They are lying with truthful data, and they (some of them, anyway, though probably not the reporters who are writing the stories) are smart enough to know exactly what they’re doing."

Study at your leisure. Vaccinate at your own risk.


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